You used to hide in somewhere
2 channel video (B&W. colour. mute. loop. 1’27. 1’42), Rubik's Cube, delete keys, pencil on pedestal
Dimensions variable
This work is a self-exploratory project, a journey in search of a forgotten memory. The so-called "forgotten memory", is a non-existed existence, a gap in a timeline. I work with two tunnels showcase two states of mind chasing back to a memory. Also inspired by the film "Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind", I tried to think from the perspective of the protagonist Joel, who erased his ex-girlfriend by undergoing a medical procedure, part of his monologue is written on the pedestal.
You used to hide in somewhere
2 channel video (B&W. colour. mute. loop. 1’27. 1’42), Rubik's Cube, delete keys, pencil on pedestal
Dimensions variable
This work is a self-exploratory project, a journey in search of a forgotten memory. The so-called "forgotten memory", is a non-existed existence, a gap in a timeline. I work with two tunnels showcase two states of mind chasing back to a memory. Also inspired by the film "Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind", I tried to think from the perspective of the protagonist Joel, who erased his ex-girlfriend by undergoing a medical procedure, part of his monologue is written on the pedestal.
You used to hide in somewhere
2 channel video (B&W. colour. mute. loop. 1’27. 1’42), Rubik's Cube, delete keys, pencil on pedestal
Dimensions variable
This work is a self-exploratory project, a journey in search of a forgotten memory. The so-called "forgotten memory", is a non-existed existence, a gap in a timeline. I work with two tunnels showcase two states of mind chasing back to a memory. Also inspired by the film "Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind", I tried to think from the perspective of the protagonist Joel, who erased his ex-girlfriend by undergoing a medical procedure, part of his monologue is written on the pedestal.
You used to hide in somewhere
2 channel video (B&W. colour. mute. loop. 1’27. 1’42), Rubik's Cube, delete keys, pencil on pedestal
Dimensions variable
This work is a self-exploratory project, a journey in search of a forgotten memory. The so-called "forgotten memory", is a non-existed existence, a gap in a timeline. I work with two tunnels showcase two states of mind chasing back to a memory. Also inspired by the film "Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind", I tried to think from the perspective of the protagonist Joel, who erased his ex-girlfriend by undergoing a medical procedure, part of his monologue is written on the pedestal.
You used to hide in somewhere
2 channel video (B&W. colour. mute. loop. 1’27. 1’42), Rubik's Cube, delete keys, pencil on pedestal
Dimensions variable
This work is a self-exploratory project, a journey in search of a forgotten memory. The so-called "forgotten memory", is a non-existed existence, a gap in a timeline. I work with two tunnels showcase two states of mind chasing back to a memory. Also inspired by the film "Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind", I tried to think from the perspective of the protagonist Joel, who erased his ex-girlfriend by undergoing a medical procedure, part of his monologue is written on the pedestal.
心のゆくえ (Where does the heart go)
Multi-channel video installation
Dimensions variable
Documentation of the exhibition at The Place We Come from, The Place We Are Going to, Kyushu Geibun Kan Museum, Fukuoka, Japan
私の作品は、主に映像とインスタレーション・アートです。 記憶や孤独のメタファーとして、光や街並みを使うことが 多いです。灯火は人間が作り出すものであり、私にとっては 人間存在の象徴のようなものです。
4年前に香港から福津市に引っ越してきたのですが、福津市 とみやま市の一番の違いは、福津市は住宅地が多いのに対し、 みやま市は田畑が多く、夜は特に静かで暗いことです。
今回の作品のタイトルは《心のゆくえ》で、中央の部分は 滞在中に筑後地域のいろいろな家庭から集めた光です。夜は とても暗いので、街灯や家の明かり、月の明かりが頼りに なります。私はこれらの家をある距離から撮影し、撮影しな がら、さまざまな人にとっての家とは何かを想像し続けまし た。窓の形や色、カーテンの素材、この小さな出口から家族 の大きさや暮らしぶりが想像できると思います。
床に置かれたブラウン管テレビでは、私が滞在中に出会った 人々のインタビュー映像が再生されています。私は、様々な 人々にとって家というものがどういう意味を持つのかを知り たいです。過去に住んでいた場所が家だと思っている人もい ます。私は外国に住んでしばらく経つので、家というものが 何なのかまだわからないけれど、将来は家の存在を感じられ るようになりたいと思っています。